Hi guys, I'm here because I can't re-compile my MediaTek-based device kernel. The thing is that I decided to make the kernel with swap support from Source (it's the Alcatel One Touch Idol 6030a, so it's source is available). Kernel compiled successfully, only 2 warnings. The problem now, is that the packer doesn't seem to recognize something that I can't understand while trying to re-pack it.

As you can see in the above photo, the "boot.img" compiled successfully.
But then, after deletting original kernel from output folder and adding the one I made (zImage), setting it's old name (boot.img-kernel.img), the binary seems to crash with it.

As you can see, there's something that my OS (or the binary itself) can't understand.
My OS is spanish, as my native language, sorry xD
Can anyone help me please? :crying:
As you can see in the above photo, the "boot.img" compiled successfully.
But then, after deletting original kernel from output folder and adding the one I made (zImage), setting it's old name (boot.img-kernel.img), the binary seems to crash with it.
As you can see, there's something that my OS (or the binary itself) can't understand.
username@computer:~/Descargas/mtk-tools-master$ ./repack-MTK.pl -boot boot.img-kernel.img boot.img-ramdisk/ boot-new.img MTK-Tools by Bruno Martins MTK repack script (last update: 06-01-2015) Repacking boot image... Ramdisk size: 2013 bloques Build information: Base address and offsets: Base address: 0x10000000 Kernel offset: 0x00008000 Ramdisk offset: 0x01000000 Second stage offset: 0x00f00000 Tags offset: 0x00000100 Other: Page size (bytes): 2048 ASCIIZ product name: '' Command line: '109f10eed3f021e3' /home/facu/Descargas/mtk-tools-master/mkbootimg: 1: /home/facu/Descargas/mtk-tools-master/mkbootimg: ELF: not found /home/facu/Descargas/mtk-tools-master/mkbootimg: 2: /home/facu/Descargas/mtk-tools-master/mkbootimg: Syntax error: "(" unexpected |
Can anyone help me please? :crying: