jeudi 30 avril 2015

[Q] Nexus 6 Bluetooth issues.... topic

I've had my Nexus 6 since Jan. 1, upgrading from an HTC One M7 GPE running 5.0 Lollipop. I experienced Bluetooth connectivity issues with the HTC One after upgrading to 5.0L from 4.4KK, and I knew they were 5.0 related, so I expected somewhat of the same when getting the N6. My problem is, even after upgrading my N6 to 5.01 and then 5.1, most of my Bluetooth issues still exist. I'm trying to figure out if they are indeed software related, or if maybe I have a defective BT radio. I'm rooted, running stock 5.1 LMY47M, with ElementalX Kernel and Nova Launcher. Here is a list of the issues I'm having with my N6 and Bluetooth:

1. Constant dropped connection to my car's bluetooth. Will connect when car is first powered on, then drops connection after about 20 seconds only to reconnect 30 seconds after that, then drop again within 30 seconds. Sometimes it will connect and stay connected for hours. This issue didn't exist with my HTC One running 4.4KK, but did happen intermittently after upgrading it to 5.0L. This issue also doesn't seem to exist when connecting my wife's N5 running 5.1 LMY47D.

2. Problem #1 also seems to exist when connecting my N6 to my Nvidia Shield Tablet running 5.0L, but not as persistent as with Car BT.

3. When my N6 does connect to my Nvidia Shield Tablet, I can send messages using joaoapps' AutoRemote over Bluetooth from my N6 to my Tablet, but not from my Tablet to my N6. Both phone and tablet are configured correctly. This one has me completely stumped and I've spent hours troubleshooting it before just giving up.

3. Audio stuttering when connected to my BT headphones. Again no issue when using said headphones with HTC One 4.4KK or wife's N5 5.1 LMY47D.

3. Bluetooth seems to turn off randomly. At first I thought it was one of my Tasker profiles, but problem still exists even after uninstalling Tasker.

4. My N6 will not connect to my BT OBDII adapter. N6 pairs with adapter, but adapter does not work with Torque or any other ODBII app. HTC One 4.4KK, wife's N5 5.1 LMY47D, and my Nvidia Shield tablet running 5.0L all connect with no issue.

I have tried every suggestion on threads (Reboot, clear Bluetooth Share cache, clear Bluetooth Share Data, forget all connections and re-pair, Bluetooth Auto Connect app) with no luck. I love my N6, but I've hated these BT issues since day one and I've crossed my fingers with every Lollipop update that they would be resolved, to no avail. I'm wondering if anyone (or everyone) is experiencing similar issues with BT, or is it just my N6, and I should return it for a new one before warranty expires. Thanks.
